
Long Way Round.

A touch of introspection has revealed that this post is probably unnecessary for several reasons:

- everyone knows I love TV already;
- as with most things, I'm probably coming onto this well after everyone else knows about it;
- I don't think Ewan McGregor needs my help;
- if you read ChampagneMinimalist, then you've heard gush of this before.

That said, Oh.My.God. is Long Way Round one of the best TV shows I've every pointed my `balls at. We're about halfway through the DVDs, and I really want to call in sick so I can watch the rest of them today. I'm going to have to read the book when I'm done with the show. If you like travel/documentaries, motorcycles, movie stars, and adventure, then check this out if you get the chance.

1 comment:

Heather said...

you can borrow my book if you like...after you're done the show.

I had the good fortune to gorge on it over the Christmas break last year.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!