
Spot, my peg-legged wall mistress. From space.

I've been a little focused on graffiti of late in the photography on this site, which is a bit unusual for me. Call this an unfair generalization, but I think taking graffiti photos is cheating - like taking a picture of the Mona Lisa, or a Van Gogh. The artist has already done the compositional work for you; if you pay attention to your light meter, and put the box around the right place, you can't go wrong with the photo. While the argument `why can't a good picture just be a good picture' is legit, there are different compositional and technical issues that separate a fine art photograph from a picture of another piece of art from working with paint to create art.

That said, I've tried to post photos of wall art that are at least alternative, or inventive, and I try to make it about the art, not the photograph. This I discovered last week, when I walked by a well-tagged wall. Most of what I saw was `the usual'. This piece, however, prompted a double-take (had I been drinking, probably a spit-take, too) - I actually had to stop walking, turn around, and stand staring at this for a while, taking it in. So striking and interesting, I had to snap and share. Enjoy!!

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