

THIS is what I get to look at everyday: jorb HQ. Since I work on an inbound phone line, you're looking at the Ark of the Covenant of my day (face-melting spirits, by the way, do fly out of it, on occasion). You'll notice some standard cubicle-personalization. Obviously, this was taken pre-lunch.
Even though this ain't much, it ain't depressing, either. Mind you, I've never known the joy of a jorb that came with an actual (non-shared) office with a door that closes (note to Significant Other: you suck [see office photo, below]). The closest I've come is in my previous job with The Corporation, for which a double-sized, privacy-walled, extra-chaired cubicle was provided as a jorb `perk'. Let me tell you, a modicum of jorb satisfaction is much more of a `perk' than a less-crappy cubicle.
Back to the tightly monitored phones!!!

1 comment:

Anthony Maragna said...

Your phone doesn't even have a receiver. Oh, gotta run, my phone's ringing!