Cutting a Majestik Profile on the Dock! Jake du Nord!

Odie is 15 years old, and the crankiest dog ever. Some grumpy old man was reincarnated as an orange, fluffy dog. We suspect that Odie may never die, he's so full of hate; he'll live another 10 years out of spite, if nothing else. This dog has survived everything, from getting lost up north after chasing a bear, to a pit bull attack, to a variety of `should have killed him' diseases. He's also suffering from a throat disorder, for which steroids are being taken. The steriods control a wheezing, hacking cough, but every once in a while little Odie produces one that would put the Marlboro Man to shame.

Jake, on the other hand, is a Pomeranian MIMBO, all looks but nothing upstairs. A hyper, happy little dog, Jake whips his way around with such glee that he actually tripped over a stick, and fell face first into the grass, in his haste to say hello to someone. He also jumped off the dock into the canoe, and again into the water, while attached to a leash-&-harness contraption. He ignored food that fell on the ground because he was still busy begging for food that I was eating.
Regardless, both are full-on cottage dogs, ready to jump in any sort of watercraft for a bit of fun.
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